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Welcome to MapleAce Headquaters

    Terms & Conditions

    MapleAce' Staff™
    MapleAce' Staff™
    Creator of Ace
    Creator of Ace

    Posts : 2
    Reputation : 0
    Join date : 2015-04-09
    Location : Free Market Entrance

    Terms & Conditions Empty Terms & Conditions

    Post by MapleAce' Staff™ Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:25 pm

    Please read the MapleAce Terms & Conditions carefully before using our service. The MapleAce Staff provides this website, forum, and game subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement. By registering an account on our website or forum, you hereby agree to the terms and conditions stated below.

    We reserve the right at anytime to:
    Change the terms and conditions of this agreement;
    Change the service, including terminating, eliminating, supplementing, modifying, adding to, or discontinuing any content or data on or feature of the service or the hours that the service is available;
    Change any fees or charges, if any, related to your use of the service; and
    Change the equipment, hardware, or software required to use and access the service.
    Any changes we make will be effective immediately upon notice, which we may provide by any means including, without limitation posting on the website and forum. Your continued use of the service after such notice will be deemed acceptance of such changes.

    1. Server Abuse

    1.1 Illegal Activities- Blatant illegal activities, or attacks occurring on or towards any server used in connection with MapleAce' services are prohibited. Illegal activities are felonies and/or misdemeanors and can result in incarceration and/or fines. We consider all of you adults with the capacity to make your own decisions, so please use your common sense when using our services. Punishment: Permanent Ban

    1.2 Unofficial Commerce- Any unofficial advertising and/or sale of products (either real-world or in-game) for real-world currency, including the promotion of other MapleStory private servers or the purchase/sale of accounts, mesos, or items, is prohibited. While you are absolutely free to discuss your memories, experiences, or thoughts regarding other MapleStory private servers, any recruiting for another server will result in a permanent ban. Although we highly encourage abbreviating names of other servers, we will not censor you or punish you for simply mentioning them. Punishment: Permanent Ban

    1.3 Chargeback Fraud- All chargeback claims are prohibited. When donating to MapleAce, we assume that you are using your own credit card, Paypal account, or MOL account. The use of another person's property without their permission is considered fraud. If we receive a chargeback claim regarding a payment related to your account, with the reasoning being credit card fraud, your information will be sent to company and government authorities. Additionally, you understand that you choose to donate not because you expect a reward in return, but rather to show your commitment to helping us re-create a memorable gaming experience. Punishment: Account Ban

    2. Game Abuse

    2.1 Hacking - All forms of hacking are prohibited. Hacking constitutes to use of third party software to inhibit or restrict another individual from using our services, or to give oneself an abnormal advantage over others. Punishment: Permanent Ban

    2.2 Packet Editing/Sniffing - All forms of packet editing/sniffing are prohibited. This includes the use of any third party software to monitor or alter our services. Punishment: Permanent Ban

    2.3 Unofficial Wz Editing - All forms of unofficial wz editing which give your character an abnormal advantage over others are prohibited. Any graphical edits must not alter the appearance of your character for others. For example, when editing any maps, you must leave the structure of the map the same, so that you do not appear to access areas which a normal player would be unable to access. If you have any specific questions regarding what is or is not allowed, please contact a member of the MapleAce Staff. If you are using files from another MapleStory private server, please be sure to download the most recent MapleAce files from our website downloads page. It is your responsibility to make sure that you always use the most up-to-date MapleAce files. Punishment: Permanent Ban

    2.4 Duping - All forms of duping are prohibited. Duping constitutes abusing a bug or glitch in the game to abnormally obtain content (e.g. items, mesos) that you would not be able to obtain by normal means. If you accidentally duplicate any items, please contact a member of the MapleAce Staff immediately (in-game or on the forum), to remove the duplicated items. Punishment: Permanent Ban

    2.5 Bug/Glitch Abuse - All forms of bug/glitch abuse are prohibited. If you find a bug or glitch in-game which you believe can be abused or exploited for EXP, mesos, items or in any other way, please report it to a member of the MapleAce Staff immediately. Depending upon the severity of the abuse, the punishment may be upgraded or downgraded. Punishment: Account Ban

    2.6 Ban Evasion - Evading a ban is prohibited. If you have received a ban, there was a good reason for it, and attempting to bypass your punishment will simply lead to an even harsher punishment. We kindly ask that you serve the duration of your ban, and learn from your past mistakes. Punishment: Double the Ban duration

    2.7 Account Sharing- Account sharing is prohibited. If you have a specific reason why you wish to share your account, you must contact a member of the MapleAce Staff and receive approval beforehand. This is to make sure no hacking of accounts takes place. Punishment: 1 Day Ban // 2 Day Ban // 7 Days Ban

    2.8 Botting - All forms of botting are prohibited. This includes the use of third party software and/or paperweights to gain an abnormal advantage over others. MapleAce Staff members reserve the right to randomly test you if you appear to be botting. Punishment: Account Ban

    2.9 Vote Abuse - All forms of vote abuse are prohibited. Vote abuse constitutes voting more than the maximum allotted amount of times that a normal player can vote to obtain additional Vote Points. This means that you may only vote once every 24 hours. While we allow our players to create multiple accounts, the use of multiple accounts to obtain an abnormal amount of Vote Points will result in all accounts associated with the vote abuse being banned. Additionally, depending upon the level of abuse, Vote Points and/or items may also be wiped from your account(s). Punishment: Vote Points wiped or Banned

    2.10 Association with Abusers- Associating with any player involved in the any aforementioned abuse via party, trade, or any other methods makes you guilty by association. If you witness any form of abuse, please contact a member of the MapleAce Staff (preferably with evidence such as a screenshot/video). Punishment: Same punishment as Abusers

    3. Player Abuse

    3.1 Scamming - Scamming players is not tolerated. This constitutes obtaining an item from a player via a method unintended by the other player. For example, agreeing to trade items for another and then deceiving the player by putting up different items would be deemed scamming. Simply putting up an item in a Hired Merchant will not fall under the jurisdiction of this rule. Punishment: 7 Days Ban & Returning of scammed items

    3.2 Harassment- All forms of harassment will not be tolerated. This includes rude, hateful, abusing, threatening, or otherwise objectionable behavior. We don't expect everyone to be best friends with each other, but we simply ask that you respect one another. We won't take any comments about a player's race, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs or sexuality lightly. This also includes responding in an objectionable manner such as kill stealing, or mass defaming. In cases of kill stealing, using the command @mapowner, will display the player who owns the map. Punishment: 7 - Permanent Account Ban

    3.3 False Reports- The creation of false reports is prohibited. This occurs when a player attempts to report another player for abuse in a manner that uses deception to get one banned. An example of this would involve the editing or selective positioning of a screenshot to make it look like a player is abusing when he/she is not. Punishment: 24 Hour Account Ban

    3.4 Privileges- All players are treated equally , same for Donors & players who've helped out the community greatly. Those that look down or intimidate players with false privileges will be punished accordingly.

    Please note that the MapleAce Staff has the right to use their discretion to ban you for any reason which they deem is abusive, disruptive, or otherwise has a negative impact on the server. If you believe that you were unfairly banned, please create a ban appeal.

    MapleAce Admin

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:26 am